Anasayfa » OUR MESSAGE

Samsun University Faculty of Architecture and Design sets out with the motto of “Beautifying the World”. The faculty includes the departments of Architecture, Interior Architecture, Environmental Design and Industrial Design. In the 2021/2022 academic year, students have been admitted only to the Department of Architecture.

We will constantly collaborate with our 60 new students and search out for different paths together.

In compilation:

  • How can we become future professionals specialized in architecture on local and global scale, having the ability to relate to the fields of social and natural sciences?
  • How can we realize an education approach that is integrated with the world, without being confined within local borders?
  • What does it mean to feed off the accumulation of the land which one lives on?
  • How are we able to manage to be oriented towards the past, present and future, in other words, how can we “act” architecture with the practices and theories we are contemporary with?

We possess the background and preparation for all these matters. With our students -our future colleagues -, we want to advance these endeavors.

To clarify our objectives:

  • Our main goal is to focus on a design-architecture-city discourse that takes the historical dimensions of the city and architecture into account.
  • We aim to constantly wander through the scales of Samsun, the Black Sea Region, Turkey and the World, and to obtain knowledge by linking and comparing the different scales with each other.
  • Environments befitting human beings, approaches that will not disturb the balance of nature, social responsibility, “horizontal city”, and as much as possible acquaintances of knowledge on the matter/material/technology underlying the design will be our main course.


Here we list the advantages and potentials that will bring us closer to our goals in collaboration with our students:

  • We have established a dynamic academic environment with staff that will assemble the experiences of different universities.
  • We have prepared our four-year curriculum in the light of our goals.
  • Together, we will witness the transformation of our Ballıca Campus (former TEKEL tobacco warehouses), which is an industrial heritage with an area of approximately 1 million square meters including forested areas and an airplane runway, into a university. We want to incorporate the past character of the area into our renewed place. We converted our faculty buildings from old hangars. We reused the materials in our present buildings. We brought the hangars’ old wood and steel back to life. In this way, we took the first steps for creating a sustainable campus.
  • We will not only design, but also exercise to process the raw material, to articulate our design with the matter. For this purpose, we transformed a 1000 m2 hangar in our Ballıca Campus into a design-build workshop, wood shop and iron workshop.
  • We established our Design, Architecture and Urban Studies Application and Research Center, where our students and academicians will produce concrete projects together.
  • We are constantly negotiating with municipalities, other official institutions and the private sector, and working on projects that will enable the students of Samsun University to establish a solid relationship with the practical field.
  • We fully support the double major and minor program opportunities at Aviation and Space Sciences, Engineering, Economics-Administrative and Social Sciences faculties of Samsun University.
  • We share an equal vision with all the administrative and academic staff of our university.


And S A M S U N…

This city is an experienced settlement that embraces students and has increased its venues accordingly. With its coastline, natural beauties and social opportunities it is a student-friendly city.

We are impatiently waiting for our students as future colleagues.

Öğrenci Destek Hattı